Real Estate Services
Properties and Applications


Justin Boyd | Leasing/Property Acquisition Manager | (509) 634-2343

various lease applications are at the bottom of this page.

A renovation program was developed to repair these houses, which could then be sold to the Tribal membership.  The renovation program is continuing to bring some houses up to code. 

Resolution 2016-356 provides for lease with option to purchase.  

The Council has made these homes available through a bidding process. Tribal members only, may bid on and purchase these properties, as is.  The process is different  for Trust transactions and FEE transactions.

Only houses recently obtained  from Tribal Credit have been appraised. The buyer is required to have an appraisal as part of the purchase price negotiation.  

For homes that were purchased as part of larger parcels, a portion of land surrounding the home will be legally surveyed out up to a maximum of 5.00 acres, more or less; The remaining acreage will be maintained as tribal trust land.

Fee Land Purchases:

Cody Desautel | (509) 634-2249

Lease Applications

For questions or Assistance completing applications, please call Justin Boyd for an appointment at

Homesite Lease Application                                  

Farm & Pasture Lease Application

Business Lease Application